Last Updated: September 6, 2016

Monday, October 7, 2013

Strategy of the Week #7 & 8: Running Records

From Your Instructional Coach….

Strategy of the Week #7 & 8: Running Records

Running Records: One method of assessing a child's reading level by examining both accuracy and the types of errors made.

When do we give running records?
     For the 2013-2014 school year, we will administer running records during the last week of each marking period.
     The time-frame for running records will be:
     1st marking period: October 21-25
     2nd marking period: December 9 -January 16 (teachers may choose to give before or after break
     3rd marking period: March 17-21
     4th marking period: June 2-5 (or before)

What is used to give a running record?
     Each teacher has an HCPS running record binder with running record passages.  These passages will be used to administer running records.
     Each student will be given a passage to read, that is on their instructional level.  We are measuring the students’ accuracy, words correct per minute and comprehension.  Comprehension is based on a basic oral retell of the passage.
     Students may need to read more than one passage in order to find out where the child hits frustrational level.  Students may test as instructional at more than one level.
     Keep the hard copies of the running records that are administered to the students.  Please be sure to make notes about what kinds of errors the student was making.

What determines if a child is independent, instructional, or frustrational?
     Here is a link to the Criteria for determining IRL.  Please be sure to read and have this with you as you administer your running records.

     Once you have administered the running records to all of your students, please schedule a time with a reading specialist to discuss the appropriate instructional reading level that will be indicated on both the reading record document and on the students’ report cards.

Where does the information get recorded?
     Keep the hard copies for a discussion with the reading specialist.
     Add information onto the WES Reading Record document.  Here is the link:
     Indicate the instructional reading level on each students’ report card.

If you would like to sit down and have a conversation about running records, or more specific training about the administration, please fill out the Partnership Interest form to set up a time.   I would love to support you!

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